Writing as Warfare: Éric Nado's Reconstructive Typewriter Guns

Writing as Warfare: Éric Nado's Reconstructive Typewriter Guns

October 11, 2017

The Peak Singapore's Liao Xiangjun has penned an insightful and incisive article on Éric Nado's artwork, and it is worth a read!

The Montreal-based artist provocatively bringing the power of the written word to the forefront in his reassembled Typewriter Gun sculptures.

Each typewriter gun is specific to the original typewriter it sprang from,” Nado tells The Peak. “Colours are preserved and the results are uniquely different.” His works have gone down well with private collectors, and he has also been commissioned to reconstruct machines close to some clients’ hearts. But the series’ pertinence, he says, lies in more than a nostalgia trip. [...] the typewriter guns become some sort of social commentary about words being stronger than arms.”

Read the complete article here.

Click the following link to view the Typewriter Guns, as well as the very recently-released limited-edition Typewriter Gun Prints