Réinterprétation | Group show

Réinterprétation | Group show

November 26, 2020

Réinterprétation | Group exhibition 
Artists: Patrizia Biondi, Austin Eddy, Adam Green, Josiane Lanthier, Alexandra Levasseur, MissMe, Éric Nado, Andrea Pace, Evita Tezeno, France Trudel 
Dates: December 10, 2020, to January 16, 2021
To conclude the year 2020, C.O.A presents a new exhibition featuring the work of local and international artists. In the global context - as we have so often heard - the need to reinvent ourselves has become a byword. Starting December 5th, ten artists will come together around this imperative: the need to reinterpret their reality.  
Art does not simply have an aesthetic function. It shares a concern for truth, which it seeks to express in its unique ways. It is a perceptive privilege possessed by the artists, which leads them to express the singularity of their surrounding reality. Now, an opportunity is given; ten artists will join forces through this common theme: that of bearing witness to a different reality. Whether it’s through the medium they use or the subject they address, each one redefines his or her personal codes and thus makes the experience of the work more vivid than ever.